omgahh yesterday was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! thanks to everyone who made my day:DD from sailors (though we didn't talk to them, but we watched ratatouiie "is that how it's spelt?") to nerds (my brother's rj friends) to hot guys (sort of..) and lastly to the EGO KOR KOR NICHOLAS.. haha..
yeahh got some info of the hot guy from nick (but i don't know if he's telling the truth?!) gawdd he's old!
what do teachers do "behind our backs"? yesterday teacher's day celebration was awesome! thanks to the male teachers, some female teachers and MRS tan was a great actor! everyone was fooled by her! we were like so scared, and i was like lucky i'm here today. she did random checks on classes ( saying students not coming to school.. and in a very very fierce way!) in the end it was a skid made by the teachers! Mr tan act like the pai students in schools, Mr yeo was like this guy who was always late and who was veryy girll! damn cool la. and i didnt know mrs loh can dance so well! and i just realised that she's very pretty:) (looks like the girl in Jay Chou's secret! the girl he doesn't like) and the teacher's "class" was 417.. and their booking was taking photos!
stayed out for like 15 hours yesterday! from 7 till 10 plus! kinda cool.. nick took so long to choose his bag!! and bought this bag that amanda tang has! thanks to me:DD it's really nice and cheap too! $43?! and another liverpool bag.. he took hours! ok fine 2, he's worse than a girl! looking at his reflections everywhere he goes..
i finally understand what's love at first sight:DDDDD
Friday, August 31, 2007